


 2011 FIFA 女子サッカーワールドカップ決勝戦の試合前と試合後に、Abby Wambach(アビー・ワンバック)が語った、「(母国からの)たくさんの応援という12人目の選手」「切なる願いと希望というという12人目の選手」について。

 "I can't tell you how important (it is) to have that 12th man,” Abby Wambach admitted. “I don't know if anybody's into energy, but all the energy -- the millions of people that are supporting us back home -- that is something to be reckoned with.

2011 FIFA Women's World Cup: New Fans for USA Through Power of Social Media
 "Japan was playing with a very large 12th man; it's called desire and hope,"" They(Japan) never gave up."

A Tale of Too Many Misses


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