

Canon EOS 5D MarkII を機能拡張・改造するファームウェア 

 Magic Lantern Firmware

 Magic Lantern is an open platform for developing enhancements to the amazing Canon EOS 5D MarkII full frame digital SLR.
 That's where Magic Lantern comes in -- it turns your Canon EOS 5D MarkII into a 5D Mark Free. We've written extensions and widgets that fix many of the annoyances in working with the 5D Mark II on a film or video set. Our first set of fixes are targeted at the audio limitations of the camera, but there are some video enhancements included, too:
  • On-screen audio meters
  • Manual gain control with no AGC
  • Zebra stripes (video peaking)
  • Custom Cropmarks for 16:9, 2.35:1, 4:3 and any other format
  • Control of focus and bracketing
 Beyond those features, however, is the ability to write your own extensions or to commission new ones. Within some limitations, we can fix many of the Canon firmware problems and plan to write widgets to address the requirements of the film users of this amazing camera.

Magic Lantern introduction from Trammell Hudson on Vimeo.

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