■Mathematica からRuby on Railsのモデルを使う
Using Ruby on Rails Models with Mathematica
Mathematica lets you connect to databases using DatabaseLink. When this feature was introduced it was a very exciting feature. You no longer depended on text files to get you data into Mathematica. In recent years, a new web development framework called Ruby on Rails has been gaining popularity very fast. Rails includes a component called ActiveRecord which allows you to get access to your data and define relationships without need to write SQL.
When you want to do complex analysis of your data using Mathematica you may benefit by accessing your data from your ActiveRecord models instead of the bare database.
■「IronRubyとSQlite3でRuby on Railsを動かしてみました」
「IronRubyとSQlite3でRuby on Railsを動かしてみました。」
それはともかく。「できるという。」ってなんだか無責任な書き方ですよね。ほんとにできるのかヨ。というわけで、実際に試してみました。また、“Ruby”の公式実装の安定版「Ruby」v1.8.6との互換性も高く、Webアプリケーションフレームワーク“Ruby on Rails”を利用することもできるという。
by yagm.net